You are looking for a data center to host your critical environment. A, so called, 2N datacenter; redundant power feeds, redundant fiber routes that are...

January 25, 2019
980 79
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Cloud services are becoming a vital aspect of business infrastructure. Almost 90% of all businesses in the U.S. use some form of cloud services, for efficiency purposes....

April 14, 2018
980 79
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The transition to cloud applications allows companies and businesses to be more agile, to respond and ...

August 2, 2017
980 79
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Service integration and automating the flow of data between applications is essential in building a digital organization...

December 9, 2016
980 79
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I think it's reasonably fair to say that cybersecurity teams and the cloud have had a somewhat complicated relationship...

October 30, 2016
980 79
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With each passing year, more organizations seek out green service providers. Both for the sake of reducing overhead...

February 10, 2016
980 79
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